The Social Grace Mentorship Program

The value of mentorship & why we created a tailor-made program

Our program is designed to provide mentees (17 and over) with a strategic focus on their personal and professional development including key life-stage moments such as preparing for college, starting a new job, or developing social confidence.


The mentor’s role

By finding common interests and gently pushing the mentees outside their comfort zone, our mentors will build relationships that will help our young people model appropriate social behaviors by:

  • Actively supporting and recommending targeted assignments;

  • Including them in activities designed to grow the mentee’s level of experience and comfort performing a task;

  • Providing much needed social support and contributing to the mentee’s sense of personal/professional effectiveness, identity, and ability while also acting as a positive role model.

An ideal session will be one that is engaging, incorporates activities that get the mentee out of the house, and whenever possible, provides opportunities to interact with others in the community.

A Match Made in Heaven

We’ve been extremely fortunate to have secured a terrific group of graduate students and recent college graduates who understand the needs of neurodiverse young adults. Our evaluation process ensures that mentees will genuinely benefit from shared advice, guidance, and the right amount of motivation.

Together with the rest of the Social Grace team, we ensure that the “pairing” process is simple, personal and designed around the schedule and needs of the mentee.

It starts with a short chat with our Program Manager who identifies the mentor they think would best suit your child. From there, we set aside time for an introductory call so that the mentee and mentor get a chance to know each other and agree when and where the first full session will take place.


Frequently Asked Questions


Am I able to enroll my child at any time?

Yes. Our program is flexible and designed around each person’s needs/ schedules.

We recommend booking at least three sessions so that the mentor and mentee get a good sense of each other and how to best work together.

How much will the program cost and is there a minimum I need to commit to?

A one hour session is $49 and a two hour session is $90.

What happens if my child doesn’t like his/her mentor?

These things happen. We’ll simply re-match your child with a new mentor.

How will I know if the mentoring sessions are successful?

Every mentee establishes a goals-based “contract” with their mentor at the outset. With each subsequent meeting, you and your child will see their skills develop and confidence grow!

Who would benefit from the Social Grace Mentoring Program?

Everyone! We’re serious - who wouldn’t benefit from having a trusted person listen, share, advise and support them. 😉